Thursday, April 08, 2010

Time for change

It's been months since I've blogged and that is going change.  In fact a lot of things in my life are going to change.  I'm nearing the end over 6 years as a leader in my local MOPS group.  The experience has been one that has stretched and grown and bettered me.  It's also taken up a large portion of my time.  I'm excited to have that time back.  Another big upcoming change is that my youngest will be attending school five days a week this fall.  Still half days (for which I am very grateful), but that means even more hours each week to do what I want and need to do.  Other obligations are coming to an end as well and I now find myself in the position to decide how to structure my time instead of having obligations that must fit in to my schedule.  Not that I'll be sitting around twiddling my thumbs wondering what to do, no, I am sure I will be as busy as ever.  But I now get to decide what I want to fit into my days and when.  I feel as if I have purchased a brand new notebook with so much potential  - I can write whatever I want.  At the same time, I don't want to waste the pages.  I want to make every line count.  Stay tuned for some ideas of what I might pencil into the notebook.

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